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Getting Fit For Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking

To ensure that you are physically and mentally fit and capable of attempting your Kilimanjaro challenge, we would highly advise you to start training at least 3-4 months before your tour date.

The most effective training for a high altitude climb would be to include other high altitude treks (at a similar or near height), if available near you. Alternatively you may wish to opt for trekking Mount Meru, the second highest mountain in Tanzania, which is known to be great for acclimatisation prior to Mt. Kilimanjaro.

It may not be possible for everyone to do other high altitude trekking; therefore we would recommend you to include long hikes in your training of 6-8 hours as this could typically simulate a day en-route on Kilimanjaro. Try to find natural land with various gradients to train your leg muscles.

Remember to train in the hiking boots you intend to wear for your Kilimanjaro climb.

Don’t forget to carry your rucksack whilst training so that you get used to 3.5-5kgs on your back. Bear in mind your Kilimanjaro trek could be between 5-9 days, therefore any experience in hiking for a number of days would help your preparation.

A long with the hiking we would advise the following forms of exercise that will help, remember your training should be progressive so you should be able to do more or move on to harder replica watches practices.
– Walking, jogging / running, aerobics, and a gym work-out for the fitness of the physical body.
– Swimming and yoga which are especially great for the breathing.
– High fitness activities you already enjoy.

Please note that there are other forms of exercises that may have not been mentioned but could also help and there is no real formula of having success on Kilimanjaro.